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Neustädter Markthalle
Metzer Straße 1
01097 Dresden (Neustadt)
Visit website
Light-flooded, with wrought-iron railings, decorated iron stairs and atmospheric Gründerzeit lanterns, the Neustädter Markthalle immerses visitors in the hustle and bustle of the market around 1900. Only since its reconstruction in 1999 has it shone again in its old glory and offers a fascinating mixture of traditional architecture and modern shopping experience on four floors. Not only because of its special vaults, the building is considered the most beautiful market hall in Germany and an architectural rarity. In Dresden, the function and fascination of the market hall have been preserved. So visitors can expect traders with fresh goods and specialties - a rustic wine and cheese cellar, fruit and vegetables from the region, oven-fresh baked goods, meat, sausage and regional products.
Transport connection: tram 3, 7, 8, 12, 41, 46 till Albertplatz
  Last update: 27.7.2023
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